GoAhead – Finance & Business HTML Template is a clean and modern Template for any finance & business corporation like Finance, Accountant, Consulting Firms, Insurance etc.
It comes with 30 html files, 10 unique homepages, 20 other useful pages such as about, services, blog, contact… and more homepages will be added in the future.
It is also created with modern & interesting interactive animation, beatifully coded in Bootstrap Grid so it is a good start for other business as well.
We are happy to announce that the WordPress version is available for sale.
Especially, this PSD template is free for all who buy our WordPress Theme.
If you like this theme please rate it.
Template Features:
- Clean and Clear Design
- High Visual Hierchy / Contrast for easier to read
- Google Web Fonts: Roboto
- Fontawesome Icons
- Flat Icons
- HTML & CSS Validated
- Slick Slider
- CSS Animation
- Bootstrap Framework (Grid wide 1170px)
- Well-commented
- Cross Brower Supports: FireFox, Google Chrome, IE10+, Safari
- Clear formatting coding for easier to modify
List Files:
- Home page default
- Homepage 02
- Homepage 03
- Homepage Accountant
- Homepage Banking
- Homepage Consultant
- Homepage Financial
- Homepage Startup
- Homepage Insurance
- Homepage Investment
- About
- Service
- Service Blocks
- Team
- Project
- Project single
- Project style 01
- Project style 02
- Project style 03
- Project style 04
- Project style 05
- Blog
- Blog Detail
- Contact
- 404 Page
- Charts
- Headers
- Footers
- Slider
- Titles
…and more to go
Change Logs:
Version 2.2: Fix css
– Fix search icon not show in white background
Version 2.1: Add new 2 pages (30 pages totally)
– Add new 2 homepage for Insurance, Investment
Version 2.0: Add new 15 pages (28 pages totally)
– Add new 5 homepage for Banking, Accounting, Consultant, Financial, Startup
– Add new 10 html pages with many options: Charts, Service Block, Titles, Slider, Header, Footer, 5 projects styles.
Version 1.0: Initial Creation with 13pages
Free Google Font Used:
Free Photos Resource:
- jQuery: http://jquery.com/
- Bootstrap: http://getbootstrap.com/
- Bootstrap datetimepicker: https://eonasdan.github.io/bootstrap-datetimepicker/
- Smooth Scroll: https://github.com/kswedberg/jquery-smooth-scroll
- Count To: https://github.com/mhuggins/jquery-countTo
- WOW JS: https://github.com/matthieua/WOW
- Fancybox: http://fancybox.net/
- Isotope: http://isotope.metafizzy.co/
- Slick: http://kenwheeler.github.io/slick/
- Animate CSS: http://daneden.github.io/animate.css/
- Detect browser: http://davecardwell.co.uk/javascript/jquery/plugins/jquery-browserdetect/
- Jquery Jvectormap: http://jvectormap.com/
- Chart js: http://www.chartjs.org/
- Media element js: http://mediaelementjs.com/
Please Note: All images are just used for Preview Purpose Only. They are not part of the template and NOT included in the final purchase files.