Lifemag – Simple yet Elegant WordPress Theme for News/Magazine websites
Lifemag is a simple yet elegant, multipurpose theme. Following the new trends in design, this is an eye-catching and straightforward theme with flat design, 6 color presets, neat typography, smooth navigation and well-structured layout. Lifemag would be a perfect choice for any news, newspaper, magazine, publishing or review website…
Furthermore, this amazing theme is integrated with many plugins with lots of features, custom widgets, unlimited color schemes, Slider Resolution with smooth transition effects, Mega Menu with multiple column styles and advanced widgets… You are free to control this theme in order to make your store more friendly and adorable for your customers..
Let’s experience this awesomeness and to explore more features in this theme. We are sure that you will fall in love with our Lifemag at first sight.
☑️ NOTE: Some features of this theme are built using Elementor Pro. However, due to ThemeForest’s latest policy, we cannot include Elementor Pro in our theme package.
If you purchase our theme and wish to use Elementor Pro features, please contact our support team to get guide!
UPDATE: Latest version 1.2.0: Released on Apr-26-2024| View Changelogs
This theme comes with a lots of color styles: Red, Fern, Medow, Carrot, Wisteria and Blue. Besides, it gives you the full control in customizing color schemes in back-end.
Lifemagis designed to be fully responsive layout, it will make your site have amazing look on different screen resolutions such as: mobile, iPhone, iPad and other tablets. This is one of the best option to reach the customers who use smart devices.
You can easy to create columns to display categories and products with description, price, image, video, effects… or even add links to any page, widgets with promotion banners and plugins.
This theme promise that it will attract the highest viewer’s attention when surfing your site by using Slider. Supporting tons of transition effects, an image preloader, video embedding, autoplay that stops on user interaction and lots of easy to set options to create your own effects just from the admin.
- Create image slideshow widget instance and display on any position
- Create unlimited layered per slide, configure various effects.
- Configure slideshow effect, auto sliding, thumbnail, text, navigation…
This theme is fully compatible with the WPML multilingual plugin, you can translate your website to any language. SW Lifemagcomes in two languages versions: LTR and RTL to respond to users who communicate with a right-to-left language. Theme includes setting the direction: RTL CSS style and adjusting widget layout and behavior accordingly, and RTL will be activated when you set up RTL language in WP-Config.
Theme includes tons of useful built-in Shortcodes such as: Columns, Slideshow, Button, Google Map… You can create advanced custom content with minimal effort or even without any knowledge how to code HTML. Shortcodes can be used anywhere in pages, posts and also in menu.
Full Feature List
- Compatible with WordPress 6.5.x
- Compatible with Edge, Firefox 4+, Netscape, Safari, Opera 9.5 and Chrome
- Responsive layout for all devices
- Advanced widget options
- Unlimited colors and over 500 Google web fonts
- Allow to set site title, tagline, logo and Analytics ID
- WPML Compatible & RTL Ready
- Support menu with Mega and dropdown style
- Support all default WordPress post format types
- Support primary menu location, widget sidebars
- 6 preset Color Styles: Red, Fern, Medow, Carrot, Wisteria and Blue.
- Fully integrated with Font Awesome Icon
- Support to add custom CSS/JS
- Social Networks integration
- CSS3 table-less design
- LESS for advanced development
- Custom page templates: about us, contact us…
- Custom style for plugin Contact Form 7 and SEO Plugins to allow higher ranks.
Lifemag Theme Package
Use this package to install to your current site
PSD Sources
All PSD design themes
Detailed Documentation
Provide all detailed steps to configure theme
Change Logs
------------ VERSION - 1.2.0: Released on Apr-26-2024 ------------ [+] Update WordPress 6.5.2 [+] Fixbug PHP 8
------------ VERSION - 1.0.4: Released on Nov-23-2019 ------------ [+] Update WordPress 5.3 [+] Update Revolution Slider 6.1.5
------------ VERSION - 1.0.3: Release on Apr-21-2015 ------------ [+] Fixed bugs on the old version
------------ VERSION - 1.0.2: Release on Mar-31-2015 ------------ [+] Update SW Responsive Slider
------------ VERSION - 1.0.1: Release on Feb-10-2015 ------------ [+] Initial Release