Theme Version Olam 5.3.0 – Olam Documentation
Easy Digital Downloads WordPress Theme for Digital Stores & Marketplaces
Olam is the ultimate theme to build an online store or marketplace using Easy Digital Downloads. With Olam, you can sell digital products like stock photos, themes & plugins, software, audio/video files and more. With the help of detailed documentation and Unyson page builder, it only takes a few minutes to start selling your digital goods online. Olam is feature rich and is made compatible with the most popular EDD extensions allowing you to build something more than just a store.
Things you can build with Olam EDD theme
Our Easy Digital Downloads theme can be used for a variety of purposes including, but not limited to, the following ;
- Sell audio files
- Sell video footage
- Sell stock images
- Sell icons and fonts
- Sell software downloads
- Build a ThemeForest like multi-vendor digital marketplace –
- Build a marketplace to sell pre-packaged services –
Unique features of Olam marketplace theme
Olam is superior to other EDD themes in many aspects. It has tons of features that our competitors do not have, which include ;
- Unyson drag & drop page builder
- Elementor drag & drop page builder
- Mega Menu
- 2 header layouts
- Dark theme version
- Three product listing styles that give each website you build a different look
- Option to hide price and download icons in product listing pages
- Option to change number of columns in product listing pages
- Option to add custom preview images for products in listing pages
- Feature products in a list or a slider
- Display latest products as thumbnails on a slider, list or with custom preview images
- Custom built vendor store pages
- Multiple preview images
- Unyson rating system
- Sticky Header option
- Custom sidebar widgets
- Custom built product search
- Option to change preloader gif
- Added an option to add any class in ‘Unyson Section Shortcode’
- Video previews
- Audio previews
- Custom related downloads plugin to show related products in product pages without using any third party plugins
- Option to add alternate heading for pages, blog posts and downloads
- Option to hide page titles
Olam With Elementor
Introducing our plugin ‘Olam Widgets,’ designed for seamlessly incorporating Olam elements into your
Elementor-created pages. This tool enhances the Elementor experience by enabling the easy integration
of Olam elements, simplifying the process of creating dynamic and visually appealing pages. Explore the
versatility and efficiency of ‘Olam Widgets’ as you elevate your Elementor page-building capabilities with
our user-friendly plugin.
More feaures
- 100% responsive design
- Widget ready
- 20 shortcodes
- Theme options panel
- Custom colors
- Rating for each digital product
- Downloads/Shop page
- Digital product search functionality
- Font awesome icons
- Google Fonts
- Team members
- Blog
As Easy Digital Downloads is the first choice for anyone building a digital store using WordPress, they have built a number of extensions to integrate many useful additional features. We have tried and tested Olam with all important EDD extensions to make sure our buyers can integrate any of them with our theme without any glitches.
- EDD Frond End Submission – Turn your website into a multi-vendor marketplace
- Easy Digital Downloads Wishlists – allows users to add downloads to wishlists
- EDD Commissions – Allow a commission for vendors for each sale
- EDD Reviews – to rate and review products and authors
- EDD Points & Rewards – to reward customers for purchases
- EDD Social Login – allows users to signup with their social media accounts
- Easy Digital Downloads Recommended Products – Displays product recommendations on product pages and on checkout
- EDD Acquisition Surveys – to conduct quick surveys
- EDD Recurring Payments – to allow subscriptions/Monthly payments for a product
- EDD Free Downloads – Easy checkout for free downloads
- Downloads As Services – When you offer a service instead of a downloadable product
- EDD External Products – Useful for affiliate marketers
- EDD Auto register – Automatically register buyers on checkout with their email id
- EDD Software Licensing – generate license keys and restrict the use of items
- EDD Content Restriction
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
How to create a marketplace with Olam?
By default Olam is a single vendor digital store. To make it a marketplace ie, allow other vendors to list their products you need to install EDD Front End Submission extension. You can see more details of the EDD FES extension here. Once you install that extension and complete the basic setup your website becomes a marketplace, just like that!
I don’t want other vendors, can I use Olam to build a single vendor store?
Definitely, Olam comes as a single vendor theme, just install it and import the demo content, you get a single vendor store.
What plugins are bundled with the theme?
- Unyson
- Easy Digital Downloads
- MailChimp for WordPress Lite
- Olam Multiple Images
- Olam EDD FES Meta Fields (optional)
- Layero Related Downloads
- Olam Widget (For Elementor)
Are there any plugins used in the theme demos but not included in the theme files?
Yes, some plugins used in our demos are paid plugins that are NOT included in the theme purchase.
- EDD Front End Submissions (FES) (used in main Demo 1) – paid plugin
- EDD Downloads as services (used in Demo 3) – free plugin
Can I remove the sidebar in the shop page?
Yes, if you do not add any widgets to that sidebar it won’t be displayed.
How do you offer theme support?
We offer support via ThemeForest comment system and our support platform Support is open weekdays.
How do I upgrade to the latest version of Olam EDD theme?
You will have to redownload the files from your ThemeForest account and overwrite the theme files. You can also use the Envato Market Plugin to upgrade to latest version.
Is it really necessary to upgrade my theme every time there is an update?
We update the theme usually to add more features and for bug fixes. While it is not mandatory it is recommended to upgrade your theme to the latest version.
I have edited some of the theme files. Can I upgrade to your latest theme version?
You will have to keep a log of those changes made and apply them in the files of the new version. We normally recommend doing your template and CSS changes via the child theme provided in the package.
Can I create a Themeforest like website with Olam
Sure, you can create a ThemeForest like marketplace using EDD Front End Submission extension where authors can list their own products.
Can I display variable pricings with your EDD WordPress theme?
Sure, here is how it will be displayed –
Can I upload my audio/video preview as a separate file?
All audio/video previews are uploaded as separate file. You can also link youtube videos as previews.
Can I upload a custom image for preview in product listing pages and another preview in the product page?
Yes, some of our customers wanted to use a square preview image in the shop and other product listing pages. So we added an option to choose a custom image for that purpose.
Can I upload multiple images for preview? Can I do the same if I am using EDD Front End Submission (FES)?
You can upload multiple preview images like here –, if you are operating a single vendor store. But if you are using EDD FES the same cannot be done. Gallery is not available for FES submissions.
How does the contact/support window in the bottom RHS work?
It is basically a quick contact form. Any contacts will be sent to the email address associated with your WordPress site (which you can find in Dashboard->Settings->general)
Is Olam compatible with RTL languages?
No, Olam is not compatible with RTL languages.
Can I create a WooCommerce store with Olam?
Yes, we made Olam compatible with WooCommerce based on customer requests, but it is primarily a EDD theme. Most functionality is created for EDD. If you want to use WooCommerce alone I recommend this theme instead –
Do you offer theme customization?
No. We are a very small team and do not have the resources to do customization.
Is there a limit to the number of products I can add?
No, you can add any number of products using Olam.
***Version 5.3.0 (26/07/2024) Fix the demo data of unysons. Now Elementor demo data can be installed at just one click. Social login in olam ***Version 5.2.0 (15/05/2024) Fix the demo data not importing for Elementor issue . Fix warning and other errors. Fix styling issues on multiple pages. Fix olam recent download widget for Elementor. Fix Elementor loading issue in theme. Fix download option issue in easy digital download plugin while editing any product. Add complete testimonials and team member section in elementor demo data. ***Version 5.1.0 (18/03/2024) Add complete demo data of Elementor. Fix warning and other errors. Fix styling issues on multiple pages. Fix olam widget for Elementor issues. Fix Elementor loading issue with Olam widget plugin ***Version 5.0.0 (12/12/2023) Now user can use Elementor as page builder in olam Create a new plugin “Olam Widget” with all unysons olam elements that can be used in elementor. Fix new product screen options not showing discussion and comments options. ***Version 4.6.3 (20/07/2023) ⦁ Add enable or disable option for phone number field on registration form (Admin dashboard-- >setting-->general) ⦁ Add phone number field update option in admin dashboard-->users-->edit user profile ⦁ Add edit button on user profile page. ⦁ Add phone number field column on user profile. ⦁ Redesign the download button on page purchase history page. ⦁ Change Blog page container layout. ⦁ Add Phone number field option on profile editor form. ⦁ Change sidebar design. ⦁ Add some extra icons on post tags. ⦁ Fix Responsive and UI issue on theme. ⦁ Fix PayPal payment gateway button issue on checkout. ⦁ Fix Footer code issue. ***Version 4.6.2 (27/03/2023) ⦁ User cannot purchase without login on checkou ⦁ Change the checkout button style ⦁ Add Side Arrows in Featured Items. ⦁ Change design of login/register button. ⦁ Some changes on purchase history page. ⦁ Profile page for user (admin need to create a page to view user profile by name of “User Profile” in admin dashboard pages). ⦁ Created a new column on purchase history page to view order detail. ⦁ Fix some errors on different PHP versions ⦁ Fix responsive issues ⦁ Create some changes in CSS file for fix layout issues. ***Version 4.6.1 (10/11/2022) ⦁ Header banner show more space in content. , ⦁ Header image does not reflect when updating header image from Customizing options. ⦁ Header text color not reflected from customizing options. ⦁ Product image not assigned in product. Missing image is shown in product detail sidebar. ⦁ After update Easy Digital Downloads ( plugin Purchase button show double time. ⦁ Add home page URL in empty cart page. ⦁ Contact form not working on Olam theme. ⦁ Login button missing on Php version - 8.0.13. ⦁ Item button missing on Php version - 8.0.13. ⦁ Contact form short code shown on product detail page when we click send message button. ⦁ Ui issue on Home Page in Featured Items section. ⦁ When we click parent menu arrow for clicking sub menu parent menu automatically redirects parent menu page. ⦁ Dropdown text overlapping in search filter. ⦁ Vendor message showing on author download page without premium EDD plugin. ***Version 4.6.0 (14/10/2020) - fixed Theme Options not saving (WP 5.5+ compatibility) - removed buggy theme options backup option - updated jQuery migrate deprecated code (Enable jQuery migrate plugin no longer required) - fixed missing "View more button" in Recent Downloads olam element for listing view - removed redundant IE8 legacy browser notice - moved quick contact and contact element functions to Layero EDD Related Downloads bundled plugin which is now required to be installed - minor CSS float alignment fixes for in-content images - fixed some PHP 7.4+ notices ***Version 4.5.0 (24/02/2020) - fixed a header cart widget open issue on mobile - got rid of some php notices - fixed alignment isse with FES password repeat field - couple of misc css fixes ***Version 4.4.9 (12/12/2019) - fixed square thumbnail images not showing in some listing areas - EDD Wish list compatibility fixes - other minor css fixes ***Version 4.4.8 (06/12/2019) - fixed Free Download buttons if "Bypass If Logged In" option was checked - made free download popup to use primary background color - testimonial slider and pricing table header css tweaks for better alignment - fixed page option "Disable Page Heading" on Downloads 3 column template ***Version 4.4.7 (28/11/2019) - better support for EDD Stripe extension - removed overflowing tax text in header card widget and added tax subtotal line, with hide/show theme option - improved compatibility with EDD Free Downloads (added "FREE" label if price $0.00) - relocated EDD Wish List icons for better accesibility - fixed audio preview file issue when file is added via EDD FES submission form - added EDD Reviews ratings stars to listing views, with hide/show theme option - variable prices now show correctly in listing views - fixed checkbox misalignments on checkout page - fixed FES vendor store link issues - improved spacing on 4-5 column listing views - limited download excert length in listing views to 30 words - added missing alt tags on some listing views for download thumbnails - improved loading time, listings views load much smoother - fixed tags overflow in sidebar - updated .pot translation template - numerous minor CSS tweaks, and php notice fixes ***Version 4.4.6 (01/07/2019) - improved mobile menu dropdown/toggle - fixed login popup issues with SSL - fixed missing store link parameter in vendor dashboard ***Version 4.4.5 (16/06/2019) - bug fix function causing error if EDD plugin not active ***Version 4.4.4 (15/06/2019) - login popup improvements - new theme options for hiding login, cart widget in menu - fix pinterest share link description overflow - fix audio URL preview file issue - new footer color customization options - EDD FES repeat field css impromevements ***Version 4.4.3 (12/03/2019) - reviews/comments count fix and link to reviews section from download performance widget - improved Vimeo video playback issues fix for Chrome (Autoplay Policy Changes) - fix product quantity box issue (if enabled) ***Version 4.4.2 (04/03/2019) - fix related downloads plugin show only image option didn't work - performance improvement: only load woocommerce.css woocommerce-style.css files if WC is installed and active - resolved Vimeo play issues in Chrome (Autoplay Policy Changes) - fix tabs element styling issue - fixed privacy policy checkbox CSS - theme options Style 1,2,3 fix - fixed download category archive last paginated page 404 error ***Version 4.4.1 (05/02/2019) - minor CSS bug fix for EDD FES submission form - JS error fix blocking preloader load on submission form - cart item undefined variable notice fix - theme options google font https fix ***Version 4.4.0 (31/01/2019) - improved compatibility with newer versions of EDD FES - multilevel category dropdown in search element - download item thumbnail fallback to featured image if small and square images missing - CSS fix for EDD Wishlist and Favourites - CSS fixes for EDD Message addon - fixed theme options bugs conflicting when updating from older versions - support for EDD Simple shipping extension - improved compatibility with EDD Free Downloads plugin - new theme options for quick support box label and header/menu text color - blog category archive layout bug fix Files Changed: various ***Version 4.3.0 (20/11/2018) - improved add to card icons, so it doesn't reload the page when clicked - login in popup respects EDD settings page redirect options (default redirects to purchase history page if not set) - minor styling fixes on dark version - updated all asset urls in option defaults and demos imports to https - fixed php notice for category links when no category is assigned to download Files Changed: various ***Important update 4.2.1 (21/07/2018) - Updated the EDD extension files to make it compatible with its latest version 2.9.6 and to solve Ajax issues and the problem of users not being able to remove items from cart. Files Changed: - olam\edd_templates\widget-cart-item.php - olam\edd_templates\includes\checkout\template.php - olam\edd_templates\shortcode-profile-editor.php - olam\edd_templates\checkout_cart.php - olam\functions.php ***Version 4.2 (22/04/2018) Files Changed: - includes/popup-login.php - edd_templates/shortcode-login.php - edd_templates/shortcode-register.php - header.php - css/style.css - framework-customizations/extensions/shortcodes/shortcodes/olam-featured-downloads/views/view.php - framework-customizations/extensions/shortcodes/shortcodes/olam-recent-downloads/views/view.php ***Version 4.1 (14/03/2018) - Style changes - Fixed responsive issue on tablets - Added an option to show download category instead of author name in product listings - Added an option to hide download icons but show price in download listings - Updated the olam related downloads plugin to version 1.1 Files Changed: - js/olam-main.js - css/style.css - includes/loop-shop-listings.php - includes/author-downloads.php - css/color.css.php - functions/functions.options.php - framework-customizations/extensions/shortcodes/shortcodes/olam-featured-downloads/views/view.php - framework-customizations/extensions/shortcodes/shortcodes/olam-recent-downloads/views/view.php ***Version 4.0 (25/11/2017) - Added a new option to make the header area transparent so multiple pages with a full-width banner like the ‘Olam Home’ page can be created - Added an option in theme options to set the number of downloads displayed per page - Style changes - Made the theme more mobile friendly - Added video/audio previews in related downloads area - Created a child theme - WooCommerce file updates making it compatible with version 3.2.5 - Video player bar animations - Minor bug fixes - Made the theme compatible with EDD Front End Submission version 2.5.9 - Updated demo import method considerably reducing the size of the theme file. Files Changed: - archive.php index.php css/color.css includes/author-default.php includes/widgets/widget-olam-vendor-contactform.php includes/widgets/widget-olam-downloads-author.php css/dark-style.css css/style.css css/admin-style.css page.php comments.php single.php pagebg.php page-sidebar-left.php page-sidebar-right.php single-download.php framework-customizations/extensions/shortcodes/shortcodes/olam-recent-downloads/views/view.php archive-download.php taxonomy-download_category.php includes/loop-shop-listings.php includes/author-downloads.php woocommerce/myaccount/form-login.php header.php ***Version 3.3.1 (23/06/2017) - Fixed error in functions.php - Changelog: css/style.css, css/color.css.php, css/dark-style.css, css/woocommerce-style.css, css/woocommerce.css, js/olam-main.js, functions.php, edd_templates/edd.css - UPdated on 28/06/2017 - Solved button not displaying problem on registration page Files Changed: - css/style.css - includes/popup-login.php - edd_templates/shortcode-login.php - edd_templates/shortcode-register.php ----- Missing Changelog entries, not available due to file accidently deleted. ----- Updated on 21/06/2017, version 3.3 Added features include: 1. Added option to add a custom preview image for downloads. This is to be displayed in pages like shop, categories, tags and archives. 2. Created a custom related downloads plugin. 3. Updated all woocommerce files and made them compatible with the latest WooCommerce version 4. Added a shortcode to display recent posts from blog. 5. Option to add alternate heading for pages, blog posts and downloads 6. Loading sign for registration form when clicking submit button 7. Fixed EDD reviews compatibility issue 8. Made it more mobile friendly Updated on 15/02/2017 – Version 3.2 1. Added option to add video previews Updated files; 1. includes/author-downloads.php 2. archive-dowload.php 3. single-download.php 4. functions.php 5. css/color.css.php 6. css/style.css 7. /framework-customizations/extensions/shortcodes/shortcodes/table/includes/fwoption-type-table/class-fw-option-type-table.php Updated on 13/12/2016 – Version 3.1.1 – Updated body typography issue in theme options, Updated problem with gallery images in download page. Changelog; includes/author-downloads.php, archive-dowload.php, single-download.php, functions.php, css/color.css.php, css/style.css Updated on 06/12/2016 – Version 3.1 – Released a 2 more demos and lots of features which are detailed in the documentation attached above. The change log of files too are added in the documentation. Updated on 30/09/2016 – Version 3.0 – Released a dark skin for the theme. Also made the thumb nail images round instead of square. The files changed are; css/style.css css/dark-style.css, functions.php, admin/functions/functions.options.php, css/woocommerce-style.css, Updated on 27/09/2016 – The theme now allows unlimited number of sub menu levels. We also added an instagram button to the social profiles which display on footer area. Updated on 15/06/2016 – Made the theme compatible with all plugins in EDD marketplace bundle and EDD recurring payments. Solved IE11 compatibility issue for menu drop down. Updated on 26/05/2016 – Made the theme compatible with WooCommerce plugin. You can now contact vendors via vendor contact forms. Option to add multiple images for a download is added. Updated on 08/04/2016 – Updated style.css and scripts.js to rectify a slight error in the design of the menu on mobile devices. Updated on 05/04/2016 – Made the theme compatible with EDD Front End Submission plugin. Updated on 17/03/2016 – Updated functions.php to improve a function to check whether the page is using WordPress default editor