The Fox is an ultra-fast WordPress theme for news & magazine websites. It has its own page builder that’s intuitive for both beginners and professionals. Compatible with WordPress 6.6.x, WooCommerce 8, 9, PHP 7, 8.
- Latest: v6.7.1 (19.10.2024) – View change log >>
- 95/100 mobile – Core Web Vitals
- 98/100 GTMetrix – test demo
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Easiest WordPress Theme for News/Magazine/Blog/Newsletter
WordPress theme with all you need to build a Local News, Magazine, Personal or Business Blog, Newsletter, Docs or any other kind of website that presents series of posts or custom post types. Easy. Install → use IMMEDIATELY. Focus on your writing.
Builder for non-professional
“You can build anything” is a lie. With a usual page builder, you can technically build anything if you have infinite time and patience. But in reality, you have 85 tasks in your todolist, you want to write as soon as possible so you just want something quick, simple, efficient, easy to use instead of 200 options you don’t know where to start and how to set it right. You need something that is easy enough for an average person who lacks of design skills.
The Fox doesn’t focus on building anything but on ability to build quickly, easily and necessary things. We made a super-clean builder interface, and put it right away in Customizer so you’ll never get lost. The Builder has only few necessary elements but 5,500+ customers feel enough so probably you do. Also, couple of predefined blocks are implemented so just click → insert → edit.
We already have customers switched from Elementor, Divi, Newspaper.. to The Fox for simplicity. Our aim is to let you build by common sense, not docs.
Simple yet powerful header builder
Header options are implemented right in WordPress Customizer. You find options where you think you should find them. Mobile and desktop elements are synchronized so you don’t need to edit twice.
- 8 presets to start
- Drag/drop elements
- Dark/light theme
- Background color / image
- HTML supported
- Shortcode supported
- Detail font, color options
- Mega menu supported
Have clean footer in 15 minutes
Footer simple interface is implemented in Customizer. You’re not going anywhere else to find it. The Fox doesn’t focus on ability to build any footer layouts. The Fox includes predefined common footer layouts to choose from, quickly and easy to understand. You still have certain flexibilitíe to drag/drop elements, to use HTML in case needed.
Single post for Writing
We curated 7 predefined layouts for writing that supports Gallery, video, audio, review, sponsor and live broadcast. Just choose → write and leave the rest for us.
Fast. Period.
The Fox is fast. It’s fast on paper. And fast when you use it. It’s simply fast because It’s pure WordPress. We use no third-party page builder or framework to slow it down. Test the speed yourself →
Full Features
Core features
- WordPress 6.6.x compatible
- 30+ demos included to get started easier
- Free lifetimes updates (you never have to pay for updates)
- WooCommerce 8.x, 9.x compatible
- Responsive and mobile friendly
- Gutenberg + Classic Editor supported
- Classic widgets supported
- Wide/boxed site layout
- Custom content width, sidebar width
- Custom site background, border, margin, padding
- Sticky sidebar option
- SEO Optimised (compatible with Yoast SEO, Rank Math..)
- Online Documentation – View The Fox theme documentation
- Top-notch Support
Page Builder
- Drag and drop Homepage Builder right in the Live Customizer
- Super-intuitve & easy to understand. You have builder immediate after installing, no further steps.
- Live preview for the builder. What you see is what you get.
- Supports section, row, column for the layout and lot of elements:
- post grid
- post list
- post group
- post carousel
- post slider
- post masonry
- banner/advertisement
- heading
- button
- spacer
- divier
- text editor
- sidebar/widgets
- page content
- html/shortcode
- Super-fast for the frontend while It focuses on the homepage with only necessary materials being loaded. The fatest page builder for your a news website builder you can find, we guarantee.
- Non-duplicated posts: If you check, it shows no posts twice
- Custom post type: each news block has option to choose custom post type & custom taxonomy.
Super-Fast & Optimized for High-performance
- Compatible with major optimization plugins: WP Rocket, Imagify, LiteSpeed, Autoptimize, W3Total Cache, WP Supercahce, Sitegroud Optimizer
- 60/100 (mobile) and 8x/100 (dekstop) WITHOUT optimization plugin
- 9x/100 (mobile) and 98/100 (desktop) with optimization plugin
- 9x/100 GTMetrix
- Helps your site to pass Google Core web vitals
- Can handle websites up to 100,000 posts. We have lot of customers having from 10,000 – 100,000 posts.
SEO Friendly
- SEO Friendly. First, It’s lightweight and fast on mobile. Google loves it.
- Compatible with major SEO plugins: Yoast SEO, Rank Math..
High compatibility
- Tested with PHP 5, 7, 8 (require at least PHP 5.4 but most servers nowadays have PHP at least 7.x)
- Tested with hostings: SiteGround, NameCheap, Cloudways, Bluehost, Hostinger, Godaddy..
- Compatible with lot of plugins:
- WooCommerce
- Jetpack
- Contact form 7
- All in one Security
- Wordfence
- Yoast SEO
- Math Rank
- So on
Dark Mode/Night Mode
- Supports forced dark mode (ie. your site is always in dark mode) view example >>
- Supports dark-mode toggle button, reader can change their dark/light preferences, view example >>
GDPR Compliant
- The Fox or none of our WordPress themes collect any kind of personal data, like email, name or IP addresses.
Comprehensive font settings
- 5 primary font positions: body, heading, nav, custom 1, 2
- Have font settings for most of elements: post title, meta, excerpt, category, logo, widget.. anywhere you see text
- Each font position can be either predefined primary font position or a new font selection
- Font can be selected from system font (Arial, Georgia..), google font or your custom uploaded webfont.
- You can limit only weights google font will load to optimize site speed
Header builder
- Drag & drop header builder, right in the Customizer, live preview, what you see is what you get
- 3 sections: topbar, main, header bottom. Flexible to design your own header
- Set light/dark/background, border.. for each header section
- Necessary header elements included: logo, menu, hamburger, button, darkmode, cart, social, search, html.
- Sticky header option
- Mega-menu, easy to set up. Just check a box in the menu item to make mega-menu. Hassle-free.
- Text or image logo with comprehensive typograhy options
- 4 search styles to choose from
- Drag/drop elements to build off-canvas menu.
Versatile footer layouts
- Predefined footer layouts: 4 columns, 5 columns, 50-25-25, ..
- Use widgets to build footer sidebar area.
- Drag & drop elements to design footer bottom area.
Single post
- Choose 7 predefined single post layouts, including 2 hero styles like nytimes.
- 5 post formats supported: standard, video, gallery, audio, link
- 7 gallery styles
- Sidebar position: right/left/none
- Content width: Full or narrow
- Live post: View example >>
- Post Review
Many ad spots
The Fox allows you to have ad in:
- Header: with a header sidebar, set respectively for desktop/mobile.
- Footer: Any of footer sidebar
- Main sidebar
- Single post: before & after post content
- Any position in the homepage builder with the Banner/Ad element.
Translation Ready
- Quick Translate panel in Customizer > Quick Translate, no plugins needed.
- Loco Translate compatible
- Polylang compatible
- WPML compatible
- Co-authors support, you can have guest author or 2, 3 authors in one post.
- View count: You can display most viewed posts by week, month, year..
- Reading process: Cool reading progress for single post.
- Reading time: Indicates how long the post is.
- Retina ready, supports all retina devices
- All modern browsers supported: Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Edge..
- Auto updates with Envato Market plugin
- Show/Hide everything in your site.
- Most of options are local and global: ie. there’s an option for each single post and there’s an option in Customizer that applies for all posts.
- Custom header logo URL
- Upload default thumbnail in case there’s no thumbnail
- Custom post blog thumbnail, ie. you can set blog image that’s different from single post thumbnail.
- Multi-site ready
- Sentence base: word or character
- Human-reading time: 3 days ago, 19 hours ago..
- Built-in theme light box, which can be set on/off
- Unlimited sidebars with the sidebar manager
- Child theme included & supported
- Online Documentation – View The Fox theme docs
- Top-notch Support
What’s included in the download package?
- Installable WordPress theme file
- All prebuilt demos with one-click import.
- All necessary plugins
- FREE lifetime updates even when support expired.
- 6 months support by default (or 12 months if you choose).
- Direct support by theme author
- Online theme documentation
The Fox docs
Updates & Support
Once purchased, you have LIFE TIME FREE updates. You can enable auto-updates if you want. See update guide >>. For support, please open ticket in our support desk.