All in One
Reduce investment costs.
Reduce storage costs.
Accelerate video downloads through CDN.
Increase revenue and profit.
The most powerful theme for video site.
Live Video Streaming:
Protect your self-hosted videos with -> Block Direct URL File Access:
Supports myCred, ARMember, Paid Membership Pro…
Tons of features and update regularly.
Main Features:
- Video
- Video Advertising
- Audio
- Youtube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, Self-Hosted Video, HLS (HTTP Live Streaming – *.m3u8), embed supports…
- Subtitles
- Multi-Links
- Music
- Podcast
- WooCommerce
- Membership (ArMember Lite Version & Pro Version)
- Subscription
- Pay Per View
- myCred Sell Content
- myCred buyCred
- myCred cashCred
- myCred Transfer (Virtual Gifts)
- myCred Coupon Code
- myCred Selling Points with WooCommerce
- Elementor Page Builder
- Elementor Pro Header & Footer Builder
- Preview
- 06 Header Layouts
- 07 Blog Layouts
- Channel
- Playlist
- Series
- Cast, Crew… and can create many variations
- Trending
- History
- Subscriptions
- Watch Later
- Rating
- Reactions
- Time-Lapse
- Live Search
- One Click Demo Import
- BunnyCDN (Stream) support –
- Compatible with WP Offload Media plugin
- Free implementation of auto-fetch thumbnails for self-hosted videos (if you have a dedicated server and have FFMPEG installed)
- Automatically fetch data from videos of Youtube, Vimeo and Dailymotion (Title, Description, Thumbnail, Views Count, Duration, Tags)
- RTL Support
Changelog & Update History:
Version 2.2.8 (07/25/2024) - Improved: CSS for the new design of Paid Membership Pro - Improved: Remove scrollbar for iframe
Version 2.2.6 (07/05/2024) - Improved: Get tokens from WPStream - Improved: check FFMPEG version - Improved: autoplay with sound if the browser allows [ ]
Version 2.2.2 (04/14/2024) - Improved: Video post submission form and chunk-upload feature - Improved: Content Blocks & Post Slider Widgets For Elementor - Added several new hooks that support customization for developers. - Option to change color for sound waves - Fixed: Thumbnail fetching cannot be disabled when using the FFMPEG feature for self-hosted videos from the video post edit area. - Add Ajax Search field library for CMB2
Version 2.2.0 (12/21/2023) - New: Paid Membership Pro plugin support - Improved: Content Blocks & Post Slider Widgets For Elementor - Added several new hooks that support customization for developers. - Update: Documentation - Fixed: some minor bugs
Version 2.1.1 (09/16/2023) - Fixed: Video Quizzes - Ranking displayed is incorrect - Improved: Video Quizzes - Experience typing text into the input box
Version 2.1.0 (09/16/2023) - New: Video/Audio Quizzes - Update: Documentation - Fixed: some minor bugs
Version 2.0.0 (06/22/2023) - New: Support BuddyPress - New: Some additional features for BuddyPress - Fixed: some minor bugs
Version 1.9.4 (04/05/2023) - Ad hiding feature compatible with ArMember 4.0
Version 1.9.3 (04/04/2023) - CSS conflict between Theme My Login and Armember plugin
Version 1.9.2 (03/26/2023) - Compatible with Armember Lite version 4.0
Version 1.9.1 (03/22/2023) - New: Action Button ( Ask viewers to rate before accessing linked resources ) - New: Jump Forward Button for Player - Improved: Scroll to Play Feature - Fixed: some minor bugs
Version 1.9.0 (03/02/2023) - Fixed: Scroll To Play feature does not work when using content block filter.
Version 1.8.9 (03/02/2023) - New: Scroll to Play ( - Support default layout ) - New: Requires login to watch ( ) - Improved: Player Library - Improved: Sample Data - Fixed: Some conflicts with CMB2 Post Search Ajax Addon (AutoComplete.js) - Fixed: some minor bugs
Version 1.8.8 (02/02/2023) - New: [Beta] - [Channel] Use account name instead of ID number - New: Two new locations for the login drop-down menu - Improved: Optimized thumbnail fetching for FFMPEG - Improved: Changed some functions to be compatible with Elementor 3.5 - Fixed: Lost avatar when updating profile - Fixed: Removed option to update channel banner in profile when channel feature is disabled - Fixed: some minor bugs
Version 1.8.7 (12/06/2022) - New: [Beta] - Download from BunnyStream - New: Autoplay for Slider Widget (Elementor) - Improved: VAST Video Ads - Improved player - Update: Documentation - Fixed: some minor bugs
Version 1.8.6 (11/29/2022) - New: Sound wave on/off option for audio player [AudioContext] Turn off audio sound waves to fix problems with AudioContext. Improved player - Fixed: some minor bugs
Version 1.8.3 (11/22/2022) - New: Block Direct URL File Access Do not allow downloading of your media files or direct use of your media links on other websites. - Update: Documentation - Fixed: some minor bugs
Version 1.8.1 (11/09/2022) - Fixed: The daffodil slider is compatible with WP 6.1
Version 1.8.0 (11/08/2022) - New: Live Comments - New: Fetch TMDB Data (Movie & TV) - New: Player Logo - New: Sub-title for series (& playlist) - Improved: Video Player Library - Improved: Video Ads - Update: RTL - Fixed: Thumbnail cannot be removed when fetching from bunnyStream - Fixed: Query error with series and playlists - Fixed: some minor bugs
Version 1.7.0 (09/13/2022) - New: myCred hook - Earn points when you react to a post - New: myCred hook - Earn points when someone reacts to your post - New: myCred hook - earn points when someone watches your video ( does not require viewers to log in ) - Update: Compatible with some changes from WPStream's API - Update: Updated CSS for new forms from Armember PRO version - Fixed: some minor bugs
Version 1.6.8 (08/31/2022) - New: Live Video Streaming with (via API) - New: Daffodil Slider Layout ( ) - New: WEBP preview support - New: Automatically fetch webp preview images from BunnyStream - New: Free Download - Update: BunnyCDN - GuzzleHttp library 7.4.5 (work with PHP 7.4.x & PHP 8.x.x) - Update: Documentation - Improved: User Submit Post - Fixed: some minor bugs
Version 1.5.8 (08/15/2022) - New: Bunny Storage & Pull Zones support for Audio files - New: Automatically fetch thumbnails from BunnyStream's Videos - New: Sticky Menu - Improved: User Submit Post - Update: GuzzleHttp 7.4.4 - Update: Documentation - Fixed: some minor bugs
Version 1.5.1 (07/18/2022) - Fixed: [Fatal Error] when disabling the Cast & variant module. - Fixed: [Wrong CSS class] Automatically adjust the size of the video to fit the player size [For self-hosted videos].
Version 1.5.0 (07/16/2022) - New: myCred Hook - [Member] Earn Points for watching videos/audios. - New: myCred Hook - [Creator] Earn Points for watching videos/audios. - New: Count views based on video/audio watch time. - New: Minimize + Float Player. - New: Automatically adjust the size of the video to fit the player size [For self-hosted videos]. - Update: Add a custom post type cast and variations to a content block widget (Elementor) query. - Fixed: some minor bugs
Version 1.4.2 (06/23/2022) - Fixed: Duration & Tag Label not showing on post widget - Fixed: Can't find more video & audio posts when adding to series. - Fixed: some minor bugs
Version 1.4.1 (06/15/2022) - New: [Armember] Hide video ads for specific plans. - New: Tag [label] & Duration [label] for Video Post & Audio Post [Show on thumbnails] - Fix: The option to show/hide post meta doesn't work with Elementor's slider widget [Sunflower & Cyclamen Layout] - Fixed: some minor bugs
Version 1.4.0 (06/08/2022) - New: Woocommerce Prime Video - New: Woocommerce Prime Audio - New: Woocommerce Premium Download - New: Woocommerce Combine both (Prime & Premium Download) - New: FFMPEG - Auto-fetch thumbnails for self-hosted videos ( Your server needs to have FFMPEG installed ) - New: FFMPEG - Automatically generate 360p, 720p, 1080p and 1440p qualities for self-hosted videos after upload ( Your server needs to have FFMPEG installed ) - Update: Documentation - Fixed: some minor bugs
Version 1.3.9 (05/21/2022) - Fixed: Playlists and series show wrong when sidebar is disabled. - Update: Exclude Pages from Search Results
Version 1.3.8 (05/15/2022) - New: WooCommerce Plugin Support - New: buyCred Stripe Gateway Support ( ) - New: myCred Selling Points with WooCommerce - Fixed: Update display name not working - Fixed: Some spelling mistakes - Fixed: RTL CSS file does not load when RTL mode is enabled.
Version 1.2.6 (04/18/2022) - New: TinyMCE Support for description field in post submission form. - New: Setting up specific roles that can use the "Pay Per View" feature on the post submission form - New: Ad widget bellow the player for series and playlist posts - New: BunnyStream ( Option to delete original file after successful BunnyStream upload ) - New: Crossorigin attribute options for video and audio tags - Update: Description for external link field on post submission form - Fixed: No processing for attachments when using FFMPEG - Fixed: some minor bugs
Version 1.2.3 (04/09/2022) - New: Auto-fetch thumbnails for self-hosted videos ( Your server needs to have FFMPEG installed and the PHP shell_exec function enabled ) - New: Concatenate video files for chunks upload with FFMPEG ( Your server needs to have FFMPEG installed and the PHP shell_exec function enabled ) - New: Setting up specific roles can use the front-end post submission form - New: Limit the extensions that can be uploaded from the front-end post submission form - New: Notification counter bubbles for newly submitted posts (admin menu) - New: Ad widget above the post content and below the post content. - Fixed: Unable to upload files with a capitalized extension (front-end post submission form) - Fixed: some minor bugs - Update: Documentation
Version 1.2.2 (03/29/2022) - New: Pre-roll ads for basic embedded videos
Version 1.2.1 (03/23/2022) - New: VAST Timeout Option. - Fixed: "Views Count" not working on PHP8 - Fixed: some minor bugs
Version 1.2.0 (03/11/2022) - New: Video Advertising - New: VAST Video Advertising - New: Image, HTML5 Video, Google Adsense Video Advertising - New: Combination of various types of ads on the player - Update: Documentation - Fixed: some minor bugs
Version 1.1.9 (02/26/2022) - Fixed: The most viewed query condition does not appear. - Fixed: The "Order By" option of the VidMov Post Extensions Widget does not show the previously selected value. - Update: Chunk-Size Upload option [Support for video post submission form]
Version 1.1.8 (02/22/2022) - New: BunnyCDN (Stream) support - Requires PHP 8.0.2 or greater. - Update: Documentation
Version 1.0.9 (02/12/2022) - New: Automatically fetch data from videos of Youtube, Vimeo and Dailymotion (Title, Description, Thumbnail, Views Count, Duration, Tags) Applies to all video posts added from WordPress Dashboard. Apply for each specific video post. Apply for video post submission form (front-end). - New: Send notification emails to creators and admins after successful post submission. - New: Send email notifications to creators and admins when a post is approved and published - Fixed: some minor bugs - Update: Documentation - Add some necessary options for post submission form
Version 1.0.8 (02/05/2022) - New: Membership & Subscription Feature
Version 1.0.7 (01/29/2022) - Added: category field for video post submission form (& edit form) - Added: category field for audio post submission form (& edit form) - Added: category field for standard post submission form (& edit form) - Fixed: post search button in series admin not working with PHP 8
Version 1.0.6 (01/28/2022) - Added: 0.5 and 0.25 speed change option for player - Fixed: Player, playlist, series not showing on PHP 8.x - Fixed: RTL - Trending Label on Featured Images
Version 1.0.1 (01/22/2022) - Fixed: Tag archive page doesn't show video, audio, series and playlist posts
Version 1.0.0 (01/21/2022) - Initial Release